Thursday, January 16, 2025

Wrestling Logo

Why Wrestle?

We are not the wrestling you see on TV! We are real, true-to-the sport wrestling and one of the safest contact sports available. Tournaments are bracketed by age, weight, and experience level. Wrestling enables athletes of every shape and size the opportunity to excel, as well as learning self-reliance, encouraging good sportsmanship, and building self-esteem. Visit the About page for more details!


CFSA Wrestling 2019 Fall Wrestling Season - Tuesday, September 3, 2019

2019 CFSA Fall Wrestling Season – Monday, October 14, 2019

Registration is now open for the Fall 2019 Wrestling Season - Registration will close October 31st.

Registration fee is $200

Practices will start on Monday, October 14th and go through Tuesday, February 25th.  Practices will be on Mondays and Tuesdays every week from 5:30-7:00 p.m.  Practice locations & times are subject to change depending on the number of registrants.  The fall season will cover folk-style wrestling and is a great way to train in the winter time.

If you have any questions; please email:


Wrestling Info


Practices will be on Mondays and Tuesdays every week from 5:30-7:00 p.m.  Practices are currently at Cy Woods High School in the 3rd gym but may change based on registration.

Practice will start Monday, October 14th, 2019

(Note: all participants should come to practice equipped with shirt/shorts, headgear, wrestling shoes, sweat towel, and a water bottle). 

 Other gear needed:  Singlet for competitions.

Gym Rules

Please abide the following gym safety rules during practice:

  • Supervise all children at ALL times
  • NO horse-playing or running on/under the bleachers
  • NO jumping or horse-playing on rolled-up mats (mats are very expensive to replace)
  • NO abusing or mistreating gym equipment
  • NO horse-playing in the restrooms or hallways
  • NO food or drinks with the exception of water. Sports drinks are NOT allowed.
CFSA Wrestling wants to provide a safety environment for our children while respecting CFISD High School property.