Thursday, January 16, 2025

Golf Tournament


 2019 CFSA Annual Golf Tournament & Silent Auction

What : Golf Tournament followed by Awards Lunch and Silent Auction

When: Saturday, August 17, 2019

Where: Longwood Golf Club

Shotgun Start @ 08:15 am

You can now register as an individual or your foursome ONLINE.

You can register as a Foursome - $400

Register as an individual golfer - $125

Click Here to Register Online for the Kick Off Classic.  You can also purchase your Sponsorship Level and Program Ad space by clicking the link

Sponsorship Opportunities


Touchdown Sponsor - $1800 Receives 2 Foursomes, 2 Hole Sponsorships and 1/2 Page Ad in Golf and Super Bowl Programs.


   Field Goal Sponsor - $1500 Receives 2 Foursome, 1 Hole Sponsorships and 1/2 Page Ad in Golf and Super Bowl Programs


Team Sponsorship - $600 Receives 1 Foursome, 1 Hole Sponsorship


Single Hole Sponsorship - $300 Receives recognition at designated hole.

Additional Sponsorship Opportunities

** Each of these sponsors will receive 2 Signs at designated holes and your logo will appear on the appropriate signage corresponding to event location**

I.e. Drink Sponsor will have their logo on the drink carts and bars.

Lunch Sponsor - $2000  

Drink Sponsor - $1500

Breakfast Sponsor - $1000

Awards Sponsor - $1000

Volunteer Sponsor - $1000

If you would like to purchase ad space in our Golf Tournament Program our rates are as follows

Full Page Ad - $350

1/2 Page Ad - $200

1/4 Page Ad - $125

1/8 Page Ad - $ 50


Silent Auction

Bidding will begin during the golf tournament and will end during the after-golf dinner. You don't have to participate in the golf tournament to bid on the Silent Auction items, auction will close during the awards dinners following the golf tournament.


This promises to be a fun time for all and a great kickoff to another exciting CFSA football season.
See you there!
Kickoff Classic Tournament Committee
Cy-Fair Sports Association